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EXPEDITIO is preparing a new publication titled “Kostanjica – Promoting Landscapes (Natural and Cultural Heritage) of Boka Kotrska”. Kostanjica is a small settlement in Boka Kotorska, located within the zone inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List and named after chestnut forests that are found in the surroundings. The name derives from a local word “kostanj” meaning a chestnut tree or fruit. Groups of houses follow the terrain configuration and they were built on sloping terrace gardens supported by walls. This area has preserved details of traditional landscaping and architecture (stairways, supporting walls, boundary walls, wells, etc.) and it is richly planted with citrus fruits, olive trees, camellia, mimosa, bougainvillea, hydrangea and other flowers. Such distinctive cultural landscape makes the identity of Kostanjica, contributing to the diversity and wealth of the Boka Kotorska area.

Part of the needed funds, to the amount of 1.500 €, was obtained from the Ministry of Tourism and Environmental protection at the Competition for financing the NGO projects in 2008.

Grupacije kuća prate konfiguraciju terena i nalaze se na terenu koji je oformljen u obliku terasastih vrtova sa podzidima. Na ovom terenu su očuvani detalji tradicionalnog uređenja terena i arhitekture (stepenice, podzidi, međe, bunari, bistijerne), sa bogatim zasadima agruma, masline, kamelije, mimoze, bogumile, hortenzije. Ovakav karakterističan kulturni pejzaz¸ predstavlja identitet Kostanjice, i doprinosi raznolikosti i bogastvu područja Boke. Na konkursu Ministarstva turizma i zastite zivotne sredine za raspodjelu sredstava NVO za 2008, odobrena nam je donacija u visini 1.500 eu za stampu ove publikacije. 

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