sustainable_developmentOn December 11, 2009, a constitutive session of the National Council for Sustainable Development in new composition was held, which is the result of the implemented reforms of the Council. The newly formed Council has 23 members who represent different social structures - government, local governments, business community, NGOs, academic sector and independent experts. The President of the Council is Prime Minister Milo Đukanović.

The session discussed a draft of the Second annual report on the implementation of the National strategy of sustainable development of Montenegro, which presented activities implemented by the relevant departments, provided a general evaluation of the sustainability of the development of Montenegro and gave recommendations for further implementation of the Strategy. It was concluded that it was necessary to improve the methodology of monitoring the implementation of the National strategy of sustainable development, to begin the revision of the Action Plan and Strategy in the coming period and to strengthen the system of sustainable development indicators. The draft report was adopted and it will be sent to the Government for consideration, together with comments and conclusions agreed by the Council.

At the session, the Council's Rules of Procedure was adopted, which precisely defines the responsibilities and the rules of operation of the Council. The Rules of Procedure stipulates that the Council sessions should be convened at least three times a year and that the continuity of its wours should be ensured through establishment and operation of working groups for specific areas, which would improve the efficiency of the Council's work.

The work of the Office for Sustainable Development for the year 2009 was also presented at the session. It was proposed that the first regular session of the Council should be held as early as mid January next year, at which a plan of the Council's work for 2010 should be determined.

EXPEDITIO representative is a member of the National Council for Sustainable Development.

Na današnjoj sjednici razmatran je nacrt Drugog godišnjeg izvještaja o implementaciji Nacionalne strategije održivog razvoja Crne Gore, u okviru koga su predstavljene aktivnosti sprovedene od strane nadležnih resora, i data opšta ocjena održivosti razvoja Crne Gore i preporuke za dalju implementaciji Strategije. Ocijenjeno je da je neophodno unaprijediti metodologiju praćenja sprovođenja Nacionalne strategije održivog razvoja, pristupiti reviziji Akcionog plana i Strategije u narednom periodu i ojačati sistem indikatora održivog razvoja. Nacrt Izvještaja je usvojen i biće upućen Vladi na razmatranje, zajedno sa komentarima i zaključcima usaglašenim na Savjetu.

Na današnjoj sjednici, usvojen je i Poslovnik o radu Savjeta, kojim se preciznije definišu nadležnosti i pravila rada Savjeta. Na osnovu Poslovnika, predviđeno je da Savjet zasjeda najmanje tri puta godišnje, a da se kontinuitet njegovog rada obezbijedi formiranjem i funkcionisanjem radnih grupa za pojedine oblasti, čime bi se poboljšala i efikasnost u samom radu Savjeta.

Na sjednici je, takođe, predstavljen i rad Kancelarije za održivi razvoj u ovoj godini. Predloženo je da se prva redovna sjednica Savjeta održi već sredinom januara naredne godine, na kojoj će se utvrditi Plan rada Savjeta za 2010. godinu.

I u ovom sazivu Nacionalnog savjeta, EXPEDITIO ima svoju predstavnicu.


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