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Project title Educating Youth/ Children about the Values of Space
Key words children, youth, education, space values, community development
Aim of the project

The aim of the project is to educate youth/children about the values of space, its advantages and capacities for the community development. This is an important topic considering that public spaces in Montenegro are generally rather neglected and often dangerous for their users and that education about the values of space is insufficient in Montenegro.

The aims of the project:

1.      To increase knowledge of primary and secondary school students about the values of space through delivering thematic lessons and workshops in the primary school “Savo Ilic” in Kotor

2.      To increase practical knowledge of schoolchildren about the designing of space through concrete arrangement of the schoolyard of “Savo Ilic” school

3.      To promote the values of space, with special emphasis on space for youth/children

4.      To support the Education Office of Montenegro in their efforts to introduce education about space as part of regular curriculum in Montenegrin schools

Outcomes / results

Website www.prostranstvo.me

Electronic newsletters on the topic Spatial Planning for children

Publication of news about events and curiosities on the subject of Spatial Planning for children in the European Union

Photomontage and presentation of children’s ideas on the subject of decorating their yard

Study and action plan on further activities in the field of spatial planning of schools and school yards in Montenegro

Group on Facebook: Let us arrange schools and school yards in Montenegro

Pilot Activity - Arranging part of school courtyard in Primary School “Savo Ilic”



Primary School “Savo Ilic” in Kotor;

Office for the prevention of drug abuse and risk behavior, Kotor;

NGO Forum MNE (Forum Youth and Informal Education) Kotor and

Education Office of Montenegro

Role of Expeditio Lead partner
Duration and period 9 months (July 2009 till April 2010)
Donors Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI ROM) – Representative Office Montenegro, Podgorica
Budget EUR 11,320.00

logo expeditio EXPEDITIO je nevladina organizacija čija je misija podsticanje održivog prostornog razvoja u Crnoj Gori i regionu Jugoistočne Evrope kroz djelovanje u oblasti održive arhitekture, kulturnog nasljeđa, planiranja prostora, kao i kroz aktivnosti koje doprinose ukupnom razvoju civilnog društva. EXPEDITIO je osnovan 1997. godine.

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