Expeditio representative, Biljana Gligorić, participated as a moderator at the conference „Utilization of New technologies for environmental monitoring”.
The conference, held in Cetinje on 15 May 2013, was organized by the Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro, Environmental Movement “OZON”, UNDP Montenegro and Digitalizuj.Me.
The objective of this international conference was to present the activities in new technologies utilization in environmental monitoring, to present good practices of EU institutions, as well as to open a dialog on new ideas and possibilities for using new technologies in the work of institutions in charge, especially in terms of environmental monitoring.
Expeditio representative moderated the third panel discussion entitled “How new technologies can help in environmental monitoring“.
Information taken from the website: http://digitalizuj.me/2013/05/ict4env-konferencija-primjena-modernih-tehnologija-u-svrhu-monitoringa-zivotne-sredine/