Workshop on Assessment of the Landscape will be held in the period Jun 26-29, 2013 in Gornja Lastva, Tivat. The workshop is organized within the project: "Heritage - Driver of the Development ", which aims to contribute to the establishment of cooperation between the institutions responsible for the protection of natural and cultural heritage in Croatia and Montenegro, through the implementation of joint programs, training, transfer of knowledge and activities to raise the level of consciousness.
Starting from a broader understanding of heritage to whom "it includes all aspects of the human environment that incurred as a result of the mutual action of people and places over time", Cultural Landscape represents the broadest and most comprehensive category of cultural heritage. European Convention on the landscape emphasizes that "the quality and diversity of European landscapes constitute a common resource" and that "the protection, management and landscape planning are right and obligation of every individual".
Natural and cultural heritage of exceptional value is the most important resource of cross-border area of Dubrovnik and Boka Kotorska. This area, where in near proxomoty are situated two UNESCO World Heritage sites, city of Dubrovnik and the Cultural - historical and natural region of Kotor, is one of the most attractive areas in the Adriatic, which justifies the mass tourist visits. Besides UNESCO sites, the entire area of the Dubrovnik- Neretva County and the Bay of Kotor represents an exceptional cultural landscape which are interwoven with a rich and varied layers of natural and cultural heritage. Adequate protection, planning and management of this extraordinary natural and cultural landscape is the key to sustainability, evaluation and sustainable development of the area. One of the first steps in this process is assessment of the landscape.
The aim of the workshop is that the participants meet with new landscapes assessment methodologies, which are important for the preservation and management along with international and EU guidelines as well as the examples of good practice in this field.
The purpose of the workshop is, based on the different experiences of good practices, defining the most appropriate model which will be, in the next phase of the project, used as a starting point for assessing the cultural landscape of cross-border area of Dubrovnik and Boka Kotorska.
The workshop will be led by three international consultants, from the European countries, that have significant experience in the field of assessment of the cultural landscape.
The workshop will be organized for 30 participants, 15 from Croatia and 15 from Montenegro, who work in the field of protection, planning and management of natural and cultural heritage.
The workshop will be attended, apart from representatives of partners and collaborators in the project, also by other representatives of professional services from Montenegro and Croatia, experts as well as others interested in this topic.
For 5 participants from Montenegro, who are not representatives of partners and collaborators on the project, there is a possibility to participate in the workshop.
We hereby invite all interested who are engaged in cultural and natural heritage, and want to learn more about the assessment of the landscape, to apply for participation and send CV along with motivation letter (up to 300 words) by e- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., not later than June 14
Participation in the workshop is free. Costs of travel and stay in Gornja Lastva will be covered.
Preference will have those who will be able to continue to effectively apply and transfer knowledge gained at the workshop.
More information about the project