In the newspaper La Provence, at the pages dedicated to the region around the city of Aix - "Aix-Pays d'Aix", was published an article about the visit of parters representatives and collaborators on the project "Heritage-Driver for Devlopment" to Provence. The article is entitled "Urbanists visiting" and a news about visiting La Provence came from the village of Puyloubier. Thanks to expert collaborator on the project, the main study visit program organizator, the French architect Laurence Feveille, to which the article was forwarded by the Puyloubier Mayor, Mr. Frederic Gunieri, scan of the text you can find here:
French press published the text regarding the visit to Provence.
Thank you, Laurence!
Tekst je naslovljen “Urbanisti u posjeti”, a vijest o posjeti listu La Provence stigla je iz sela Puyloubier. Zahvaljujući stručnoj saradnici na projektu, inače i glavnoj organizatorki programa studijske posjete, francuskoj arhitektici Laurence Feveille, kojoj je članak proslijedio gradonačelnik Puyloubiera, gospodin Frederic Gunieri, scan teksta donosimo na:
U francuskoj štampi objavljen tekst povodom posjete Provansi
Hvala, Laurence!