A Grant Awarding Ceremony was held at Hotel Maestral in Budva on 26 April 2013 in order to officially promote the grants awarded to project proposals submitted under the 2nd Call within the IPA Cross-Border Programme Croatia-Montenegro 2007-2013.
The audience was greeted by Ms. Tijana Ljiljanić, head of the Office for coordination and horizontal issues, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Montenegro, Ms. Krunčica Rakić, head of the Department for external programmes of cross-border cooperation at the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds of the Republic of Croatia, Ms. Donata Von Sigsfeld, task manager at the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro and Ms. Ines Kos, director of the Agency for Regional Development of the Republic of Croatia.
The Ceremony was an opportunity to present the steps and results of the evaluation of projects submitted within the 2nd Call for Proposals under IPA Cross-Border Programme Croatia-Montenegro, as well as statistical information related to submitted project proposals. The 2nd Call was open from 5 December 2011 until 5 March 2012. It was launched by the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro and the Agency for Regional Development of the Republic of Croatia in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Montenegro and the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds of the Republic of Croatia.
The selected projects will be financed from the European Union funds (IPA budget allocation for the Cross-Border Programme Croatia-Montenegro for 2009, 2010, 2011). The total EU funds available under this Call were 2,430,000 €, out of which 1,080,000 € was intended for Croatia and 1,350,000 € for Montenegro. Forty-nine project proposals were submitted under this Call, out of which six project have been grant awarded. Total value of all selected projects is 2,372,377.48 €, out of which 1,995,598.80 € are EU grants. The value of EU grants in Montenegro is 1,034,639.21 €, while in Croatia it is 960,959.59 €. At the second part of the ceremony, the grant beneficiaries presented their projects selected under the 2nd Call.
On behalf of the Municipality of Tivat Dubravka Koparan greeted the audience and presented the project Heritage – Driver of Development. The Municipality of Tivat is a functional lead partner in this project, while its partners in Montenegro are the NGOs Expeditio from Kotor and Napredak – Gornja Lastva from Tivat. The projects are based upon the principle of cross-border partnership of the organizations from Croatia and Montenegro.
Source: http://www.opstinativat.com