Within the project "Heritage-Driver of Development" will be organized workshop on public participation in the process of protection, planning and management of the landscape, which will be held in the Multimedia Room of the Municipality of Tivat, June 14th 2014. The workshop on the same topic, focusing on the pilot area of the project in Croatia - wider Dubrovnik area, will be held a day earlier in that town.
One-day workshop is designed for a variety of stakeholders (government institutions, NGOs, media, ...) from the area of Dubrovnik and Boka Kotorska, in order to familiarize with the methods and examples of public involvement in the process of protection, planning and management of the landscape.
The aim of the workshop is to inform participants, representatives of institutions and citizens, about the importance of public participation in decision-making about heritage, the experiences of other countries in the implementation process of participation and obligations that, in this sense, arise from the latest European Charter on Regional Planning.
During the workshop will be presented the results of all activities that have been implemented during the participatory process, which was realized in the pilot areas of Dubrovnik and Boka Kotorska. Regarding this, the experts who led a participatory process in Dubrovnik and Boka Kotorska will present the results of research conducted. Also, the intention is to introduce methods of involving the public in the protection and management of natural and cultural heritage in some of the countries of the European Union, as well as methods of public involvement in the process of spatial planning in relation to the landscape. Landscape and its protection have spetial attention in the new Charter of Regional Planning, with which participants will be introduced during its presentation.
Heritage, natural and cultural, is the common good of all citizens, but also a shared responsibility. Therefore, the participation of all citizens and other stakeholders in the conservation and management of heritage, is of crucial importance.
The participatory process was the subject of a special study within project Heritage-Driver of Development. Sociological study, conducted at the level of project pilot area, was to determine the participation of different actors in the process of protection and management of cultural and natural values. With the aim to determine the degree of participation of different actors in the protection and management of the Vrmac, empirical research is conducted within which the emphasis is placed on the importance of natural and cultural heritage, knowledge about the existing level of protection and management of heritage and use of possible models of participation in the planning process . The study was focused on the pilot project area in Montenegro-Vrmac. Through study were conducted different forms of the involvment of general public in the process of care and future economic evaluation of the pilot area: the internet surveys were made, interviews, focus groups, high school pupils were questioned... Results and findings that were obtained are contained in the Study of the participatory process, and will be used in the preparation of the Study of Vrmac economic evaluation, which represent the final phase of the project. The participatory process, activities in involving the public, lasted six months, and workshop, scheduled for June 14th, is the final event in the framework of this project line.