Within the project NEW IDEAS FOR OLD BUILDINGS - NIFOB, realized by 10 partners from 6 European countries, is planned another event which will be held 8-10 December 2015 in Niksic. The aim of the project NIFOB is to increase public involvement in decision-making on the management of public properties and thereby contribute to sustainable urban development. Also, the project aims to promote concrete solutions for better use of property in the public domain.
On Thursday, 10 December 2015, is planned a conference NEW IDEAS FOR OLD BUILDINGS - EXPERIENCES AND GOOD PRACTICES which will present examples from the region and the EU, along with panel discussions. The conference is open to all interested parties, and to participate you need to make registration. Click here to register for participation in the Conference NEW IDEAS FOR OLD BUILDINGS - EXPERIENCES AND GOOD PRACTICES in Niksic in order to get information about the agenda and other details on time.
Participation is free of charge. There is a very limited budget to cover travel costs and accommodation expenses for the participants from abroad. Regarding this, please contact us directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Here you can download brochure about the project New Ideas For Old Buildings (pdf).
Lead partner is Ajdovscina Municipality, and local partners from Montenegro are Municipality Niksic and Expeditio.
The project is co-funded by Europe for Citizens EU programme.
More about the project NEW IDEAS FOR OLD BUILDINGS find at http://newideasforoldbuildings.eu/