On 28 February 2016, the 900th edition of the show “Conversations on Sundays” was aired on the Radio Kotor. From the beginning the show has been edited and presented by Dušan Davidović. The guest of this Sunday’s edition was Biljana Gligorić, architect, from the NGO Expeditio.
The fist show, aired on the Radio Kotor on 1 December 1991, hosted Ljubomir Ajgemaht, a professor at the High School of Kotor. During the last 25 years of its existence the show had breaks during summer time, but it still continues to be one of the oldest and most popular shows in the Radio Kotor’s programme.
So far, the show has hosted numerous distinguished persons from Montenegro and the region, both public figures and ordinary people cherishing the tradition of Boka Kotorska.
More about the 900th edition of “Conversations on Sundays” can be found on the website of Radio Kotora.