On Tuesday 23 February 2016, in "Magacin" in Prince Marko 4, was held Round table within the project ACT4CITY. This Round table was attended by 40 participants. The introductory speech of Biljana Gligoric from EXPEDITIO was followed by a discussion with the participants.
We could hear presentations of Miljan Pelević from Design incubator "New Spark"; Sabina Kerić from Belgrade Festival of Flowers / Baštališta; Miodrag Dakić, Center for Environment from Banja Luka; Aleksandar Vukićević from the Public Utility Company "City Parks"; Virginia Đeković, Communicatio Point; Ivan Vadanjel from Cooperative for architecture; Irina Subotić from the Foundation Jelena Šantić and Jana Gligorijević from the Faculty of Philosophy. The event was attended by the other partners in the project (Art Lazareti Dubrovnik, CCN Skopje and Expeditio Kotor), but also many students and general public interested in the matter.
This Round table was held within the conference "New Ideas for Old Buildings" (in the framework of the EU program "Europe for Citizens") which was dealing with the fate of unused buildings in the public domain.
Project ACT4CITY is funded by the Balkans Arts and Culture Fund.
ACT4CITY is funded by Balkan Arts and Culture Fund BAC. BAC is supported by the Swiss Government through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the European Cultural Foundation (EFC).