> Providing information to target groups about capacity strengthening and developing relations between the sectors
> Creating and updating a database
> Providing consultant services and assistance in project writing, establishing contact with donors, financial management, etc.
> Providing training and education to non-governmental organizations and state institutions
> Organizing round table discussions, meetings and lectures for representatives of the three sectors (NGO, state and business)
> Issuing printed and broadcast version of the RAC bulletin (once in four months)
> Participating in a team responsible for drawing up the Strategic Plan for the Municipality of Kotor
> Providing technical assistance to the Regional Advocacy Centres in Kolašin and Ulcinj
> Leasing, for free, equipment (a scanner, computers, a copier machine, a printer, a projector) and premises of EXPEDTIO for meetings
> Providing designing services
> Conducting a Watchdog initiative in cooperation with NGOs Mans and Natura, etc.
Place: Municipalities in the coastal part of Montenegro
Participants: The project is conducted by EXPEDITIO
Developing civil society in the Boka Kotorska through strengthening non-governmental organizations and enhancing their relations with private and governmental sectors.
Donors: USAID/ORT MAP (Montenegro Advocacy Program)
Duration: June 2003 – still running