The participants will be provided with gloves, as well as refreshment and lunch.
Plan of the action:
9:00-13:00 – action of path clearing
13:00-14:30 – lunch at Avanturistička kuća in Đuraševići
14:30-18:00 – time for socializing, fun and adventure (beach volleyball, walk ant other recreations depending on weather conditions)
If you are interested to join the action and contribute with your work, please contact us at 069279331, or e-mail address: nasaakcija(at)gmail.com
Organizational team of NGO “Naša akcija”
This volunteer action is being organized within StroNGO project, which aims to contribute to developing stronger civil society in Boka Kotorska. The project lead partner is Expeditio. The project was approved by the European Union through the IPA 2014 Civil Society Facility Montenegro Programme.