A round-table discussion on the topic “Agricultural landscape – values, current condition and challenges” will be held in Gornja Lastva on Friday, 10 November 2017. The round table will be organized as a part of the project “Regeneration of traditional agriculture landscape for sustainable agriculture - AGRISCAPE&ME“.
The aim of the AGRISCAPE&ME project is to contribute to developing sustainable agriculture through advocating regeneration, conservation and enhancement of traditional agricultural landscape, as part of the overall cultural landscape. The project, which started in July 2017, lasts for 12 months and it is being implemented by the organizations EXPEDITIO Centre for Sustainable Spatial Development, Cultural Heritage Association NAPREDAK Gornja Lastva and the Association of Olive Producers “Boka“ – Boka Kotorska. An associate in the project is the Rural Development Network of Montenegro. The project is funded by the EU within the framework of the regional project “Sustainable agriculture for sustainable Balkans: Strengthening advocacy capacities of CSOs and developing policies in the Western Balkans“. This project is carried out by a regional consortium of civil society organizations from Albania (the Institute for Environmental Policy - IEP), Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FLOROZON), Kosovo* (NGO AKTIV) and Montenegro (Centre for Protection and Research of Birds – CZIP) and is led by the Organization for Respect and Care of Animals – ORCA from Serbia. (*This name is without prejudice to the status of Kosovo and it is in compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and the International Court of Justice advisory opinion on Kosovo’s declaration of independence.)
The aim of the round table is to consider the situation related to agricultural landscape treatment in Montenegro from the point of view of agriculture, cultural heritage, landscape and planning, and then to open a discussion on challenges when it comes to agricultural landscape protection, planning and management. The round table will be attended by representatives of relevant institutions and organizations in Montenegro, the key stakeholders and the national and local levels, as well as guests from France and Croatia who will speak about their experiences and projects implemented in their countries.
One of the aims of AGRISCAPE&ME project is to create a platform of relevant stakeholders in the fields of agriculture, cultural heritage, landscape and planning in order to contribute to improving the framework for the protection, planning and management of traditional agricultural landscape for the purpose of developing sustainable agriculture in Montenegro. The round table will be important in the sense that it will gather the key stakeholders and serve as an initial step in the creation of this platform.
The round table will be held at the Cultural Centre “Ilija Marković” in Gornja Lastva, on Friday, 10 November 2017, from 10 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.
The round table agenda can be seen here.
We invite all interested people to take part in the round table.
A van, departing from the main Post Office in Tivat at 9.30 a.m., will be provided for all interested participants to take them to Gornja Lastva.
EXPEDITIO Centre for Sustainable Spatial Development
Cultural Heritage Association NAPREDAK Gornja Lastva
Association of Olive Producers “Boka“ – Boka Kotorska