Prva aktivnost u okviru projekta WWII-MonumentSEE je definisanje metodologije za izradu “Procjene spomenika nastalih nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, u cilju razvijanja novog regionalnog turističkog proizvoda / kulturne maršrute u jugoistočnoj Evropi". U okviru ove aktivnosti 11.1.2019. organizovan je radni sastanak regionalnog ekspertskog tima u Kotoru.
Više informacija o projektu WWII-MonumentSEE pogledajte OVDJE
Activities are conducted through a grant provided by the Regional Cooperation Council’s Tourism Development and Promotion Project. The Project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the RCC in an effort to contribute to the growth and competitiveness of the six Western Balkans economies by support development and promotion of joint regional cultural and adventure tourism offer.