As the final activity of WWII-MonumnetSEE project, "Assessments for developing a new regional tourism product/ cultural route of post-World War II Monuments in SEE" and “Guidelines for developing a cultural route dedicated to post-World War II monuments in South East Europe” have been prepared.
The assessments and guidelines were produced as a part of the WWII-MonumnetSEE project which it implemented through agrant provided by the Regional Cooperation Council implemented and EU funded Tourism Development and Promotion Project. The project WWII-MONUMENTSEE was carried out from November 2018 to June 2019. Locations of the project were Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia and the Republic of North Macedonia.
Post-World War II monuments found in South East Europe area represent important potential for the development of a regional cultural tourism route. These monuments, mostly built after World War II on the whole territory of former Yugoslavia and Albania, primarily represent memorials to fighting against fascism, but they are much more than that and some of them possess exceptional artistic value.
Six individual “Assessments of post-World War II monuments in South East Europe for developing new SEE regional tourism product/ cultural route” (for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia and the Republic of North Macedonia) are among the WWII-MONUMENTSEE project’s outputs. Assessments include the following segments:
- A review of the general state of the WWII heritage
- Analysis of an expanded list of post-World War II monuments
- A proposal of potential cultural routes
- Detailed analysis of selected monuments
Based on individual Assessments in six economies a joint regional assessment of post-World War II monuments in South East Europe for developing new SEE regional tourism product/ cultural route was produced, entitled “Guidelines for developing a cultural route dedicated to post-World War II monuments in South East Europe”.
Download individual “Assessments of post-World War II monuments in South East Europe for developing new SEE regional tourism product/ cultural route”:
- Vlerësimi i monumenteve të kushtuara Luftës së Dytë Botërore në Shqipëri për formimin e prodhimit të ri turistik rajonal/rutës kulturore në Evropën Juglindore – AL (PDF)
- Assessment of post-World War II monuments in Albania for developing new SEE regional tourism product/ cultural route - ENG (PDF)
Bosna i Hercegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Procjena spomenika posvećenih II svjetskom ratu u Bosni i Hercegovini za formiranje novog regionalnog turističkog proizvoda/ kulturne rute u jugoistočnoj Evropi – BIH (PDF)
- Assessment of post-World War II monuments in Bosnia and Hercegovina for developing new SEE regional tourism product/ cultural route - ENG (PDF)
- Vlerësimi i monumenteve të pas-Luftës së Dytë Botërore në Kosovë me qëllim të zhvillimit të një produkti të ri rajonal turistik/rrugë kulturore në Evropën Juglindore – AL (PDF)
- Assessment of post-World War II monuments in Kosovo* for developing new SEE regional tourism product/ cultural route - ENG (PDF)
Crna Gora / Montenegro
- Procjena spomenika posvećenih II svjetskom ratu u Crnoj Gori za formiranje novog regionalnog turističkog proizvoda/ kulturne rute u jugoistočnoj Evropi – MNE (PDF)
- Assessment of post-World War II monuments in Montenegro for developing new SEE regional tourism product/ cultural route– ENG (PDF)
Srbija / Serbia
- Procjena spomenika posvećenih II svjetskom ratu u Srbiji za formiranje novog regionalnog turističkog proizvoda/ kulturne rute u jugoistočnoj Evropi – SR (PDF)
- The “Assessment of post-World War II monuments in Serbia for developing new SEE regional tourism product/ cultural route – ENG (PDF)
Република Северна Македонија / Republic of North Macedonia
- Евалуацијата на спомениците посветени на Втора светска војна во Северна Македонија за воспоставување на нов регионален туристички производ/културна рута во Југоисточна Европа – MK (PDF)
- Assessment of post-World War II monuments in North Macedonia for developing new SEE regional tourism product/ cultural route” – ENG (PDF)
Download joint regional assessment:
- Udhëzimet për zhvillimin e rutës kulturore të monumenteve të kushtuara Luftës së Dytë Botërore në Evropën Juglindore - AL (PDF)
- Guidelines for developing a cultural route dedicated to post-World War II monuments in South East Europe – ENG (PDF)
- Насоки за развој на културната рута посветена на споменици од Втора светска војна во Југоисточна Европа – MK (PDF)
- Smernice za razvoj kulturne rute spomenika posvećenih II svetskom ratu u jugoistočnoj Evropi – SR/BIH/CG (PDF)
We believe that comprehensive material collected through the WWII-MonumnetSEE project will contribute to development of new SEE regional tourism product as well as encourage economic growth in the SEE region by strengthening regional tourism.
Activities are conducted through a grant provided by the Regional Cooperation Council’s Tourism Development and Promotion Project. The Project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the RCC in an effort to contribute to the growth and competitiveness of the six Western Balkans economies by support development and promotion of joint regional cultural and adventure tourism offer.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence