U okviru projekta ENEA Expeditio je organizovao radionicu i pet B2B sastanaka na temu Energetska efikasnost u građevinarstvu. Do sada su ovi dogadjaju okupili 202 predstavnika/ca poslovnog, javnog i civilnog sektora zainteresovanih za zelenu trenziciju. Pitali smo učesnike/ce nakon svakog dogadjaja: Šta je bilo naročito dobro, šta je za Vas događaj učinilo korisnim ? U nastavku pročitajte njihove komentare: (For English scrool down)
- Nisam imala nikakva očekivanja od događaja, ali sam se prijatno iznenadila. Sve firme što su se predstavile su bile interesantne, svaka na svoj način. Izašla sam sa događaja prepuna utisaka i novih znanja o temama za koje nikad nisam ni znala da me interesuju.
- Zanimljivi predavaci i opustena atmosfera koja je omogucila i kvalitetnu diskusiju.
- Organizacija, dinamika i atmosfera su bile konstruktivne i pozitivne za dogadjaj ovakvog tipa.
- Iako sam i ranije učestvovala na događajima koji su se bavili tematikom energetske efikasnosti, organizatori ove konferencije su, po meni, učinili i svojevrsan korak dalje. Uspjeli su da održe pažnju prisutnih (u kontinuitetu), podstaknu i vješto usmjeravaju aktivnu diskusiju, a sadržajem agende i izborom panelista ovu oblast učinili još atraktivnijom. U najkraćem, prisustvovala sam događaju koji je omogućio da se energetska efikasnost u građevinarstvu sagleda iz potpuno različitih uglova, i to zahvaljujući pristupu koji je uspio ne samo da u prvi plan stavi struku, već i da je poveže sa širom biznis zajednicom i posebnim, srodnim industrijama koje su danas prepoznate kao one koje razvoj ovog sektora mogu dodatno podstaći, a akterima koji u njemu posluju omogućiti bolji rad i uspješniju tržišnu pozicioniranost.
- Interaction between the participants was amazing, everyone present was involved in discussions after the lectures.
- Prikaz najnovijih sistema i metoda u poboljsavanju energetske efikasnosti objekata.
- Predstavnicu su bili i više nego informativni i njihove prezentacije su bile zanimljive i korisne. B2B meetup trebao je da ima i medijski podrsku ili zum a isto tako povezanost sa inzinjerskom komorom jer svakom inzenjeru bila bi korisna saznanje. Puno pohvala i samo tako nastavite jer pozitivne atmosfere nije falilo.
- Odlična atmosfera i odlične prezentacije
- Upoznali smo se sa kompanijama i pojedincima koji su konkretno radili na temama koje su predstavljane. Hvala puno na tome.
- Ideja je dobra, kao i organizacija samog događaja. Dobro bi bilo da na događaju učestvuju firme koje imaju proizvode koji se mogu primjeniti na većim objektima.
- Predstavljanje proizvoda koji nisu široko rasprostranjeni na tržištu.
- Međusobna razmjena kontakata za buduću saradnju.
- Firme koje su predstavljale svoje proizvode i usluge su bile izuzetno zanimljive, i bilo mi je zadovoljstvo ostavariti kontakt sa istima.
- Puno korisnih informacija od izlagača, nove ideje i poznanstva.
- Saznala sam da se dosta firmi bavi slicnim pitanjima energetske efikasnosti, takodje sada znam na kojim mjestima mogu da se informisem u vezi implementacije ovih metoda ustede energije.
- Za mene je kompletan događaj bio veoma prijatan, lakoća kojim su organizatori povezali nas učesnike sa predavačima i transparentnost u deljenju bitnih informacija i budućih događaja zaista me oduševljava.
- Prezentacija je bila veoma korisna i drzala mi je paznju ,posebno mi zanimljive tema koje donose iskustva u graditeljstvu i nove tehnike gradnje , i korisno je to sto sam dobila vise informacija vezano za poboljšanje eergetske efikasnosti u objektima.
- Raznovrsnost predavača i tema, ostvareni kontakti za buduće saradnje.
- Svi predavači su bili odlični, koncizni i jasni. Potrudili su se da nam što bolje približe svoju temu. Jako je lepo i korisno što smo čuli stavove o energetskoj efikasnosti iz raznih uglova odnosno struka. Mislim da nam je predstavljeno puno novih korisnih informacija i da smo imali mogućnost da ostvarimo dobre kontakte sa novim kolegama.
- Lično smatram, da konketni primjeri, pogotovo iz našeg okruženja ostave najjače utiske, tako je bilo i ovog puta.
- Radionica je odlicno organizovana, uprkos svim poteskocama organizatora, uzrokovane epidemioloskom ogranicenjima i manjim tehnickim problemima, koje su iskusili ljudi, koji su radionicu pratili online.
- Radionica je bila sveobuhvatna, a sve vreme je fokus bio na sustini i krucijalnim problemima, a opet sa puno korisnih informacija. Sve cestitke organizatorima i ucesnicima.
- Poseban kvalitet radionici daje učešće različitih aktera iz raznih sfera vezanih za energetsku efikasnost, a za koje ranije nisam imala prilike da čujem.
- Najviše je na mene ostavila utisak prezentacija o izgradnji energetski efikasniog objekta od konoplje, za to sam saznala ranijih godina i to je dio mog magistarskog rada.
ENEA events in Montenegro
comments of participants
As part of the ENEA Expeditio project, it organized one workshop and five B2B meetings on Energy Efficiency in Construction. So far, these events have brought together 202 actors interested in the green transition. After each event, we asked the participants: What worked exceptionally well at the event? What made the event useful for you? Read their comments below:
- I had no expectations from the event, but I was pleasantly surprised. All the companies that presented themselves were interesting, each in their way. I came out of the event full of impressions and new knowledge about topics I never knew I was interested in.
- Exciting lecturers and a relaxed atmosphere enabled a quality discussion.
- The organization, dynamics, and atmosphere were constructive and positive for an event of this type.
- Although I have previously participated in events that dealt with energy efficiency, the organizers of this conference, in my opinion, have taken a kind of step forward. They managed to maintain the attention of those present (continuously), encourage and skillfully direct the active discussion, and with the content of the agenda and the selection of panelists, they made this area even more attractive. In short, an event allowed energy efficiency in construction to be viewed from completely different angles, thanks to an approach that managed not only to highlight the profession, but also to connect it with the wider business community and special, related industries that are recognized today as those that can further encourage the development of this sector, and enable the actors who operate in it to work better and have a more successful market position.
- The interaction between the participants was amazing, everyone present was involved in discussions after the lectures.
- Review of the latest systems and methods in improving the energy efficiency of buildings.
The representatives were more than informative, and their presentations were exciting and valuable. The B2B meetup was supposed to have media support or zoom and a connection with the engineering chamber because knowledge would be helpful for any engineer. Lots of praise and keep going because there was no positive atmosphere.
Great atmosphere and excellent presentations.
We met with companies and individuals who specifically worked on the topics presented. Thanks a lot for that.
The idea is good, as is the organization of the event itself. It would be good if companies with products that can be applied to more extensive facilities participated in the event.
It was good to see the presentation of products that are not widespread.
Mutual exchange of contacts for future cooperation was valuable.
The companies that presented their products and services were exciting, and it was a pleasure to contact them.
I got lots of helpful information from exhibitors, new ideas, and acquaintances.
I learned that many companies deal with similar energy efficiency issues, and I know where to get information about implementing these energy-saving methods.
For me, the whole event was enjoyable. The ease with which the organizers connected us, participants, lecturers, and the transparency in sharing important information and future events excites me.
The presentation was beneficial and kept my attention, exciting topics that bring experience in construction and new construction techniques. It is helpful that I received more information about improving energy efficiency in buildings.
All the lecturers were excellent, concise, and straightforward. They tried to bring us closer to their topic. It was helpful to hear views on energy efficiency from various angles and professions. I think that we were presented with a lot of new useful information and that we had the opportunity to make good contacts with new colleagues.
I think that concrete examples, especially from our environment, leave the most vital impressions, so it was this time as well.
Despite all the difficulties of the organizers, caused by epidemiological limitations and minor technical problems experienced by people who followed the workshop online, the workshop was well organized.
The workshop was comprehensive, and the focus was on the essence and crucial problems, with a lot of helpful information. Congratulations to the organizers and participants.
The exceptional quality of the workshop is given by the participation of various actors from various spheres related to energy efficiency, which I have not had the opportunity to hear before.
I was most impressed by the presentations on constructing an energy-efficient hemp facility, which I learned about in previous years and is part of my master's thesis.