1-4 December 2008, in Brussels, Belgium, the European Commission hosted a study visit for the civil society representatives from the Western Balkan countries and Turkey. The theme of the meeting was “Multi-Cultural Dialogue. EU legislation and actions in the field of culture and heritage”. The meeting was organised by the People to People Programme, Civil Society Facility, DG Enlargement.
The main aim of the meeting was to bring together representatives of civil society from the target countries in order to:
1. improve their know-how of European legislation on cultural issues, including recent developments and relevant debates
2. introduce them to the EU programmes and actions on multi-cultural dialogue and provide concrete examples of effective projects run in their framework
3. to provide them with an opportunity to exchange views, experience and good practice on the subject with relevant EU institutions and among themselves
About 30 representatives of non-governmental organization from the Western Balkan countries and Turkey participated in the meeting.
Montenegro was represented by the following non-governmental organization:
- Notar, Kotor
- Prostory, Podgorica