The electronic publication „Benefit Living” was made available as a part of the same project. It is intended for those who want to be informed, understand, and implement the modern construction and spatial planning principles. A number of features of this publication is devoted to evaluation and planning of space in Montenegro, whereas the other texts deal with more general topics of interest for the development of cities. The features were produced in 2010 and 2011.
The texts made available in the electronic form have been taken over from the web site Only a part of features has been made available. The authors of texts are from partnership non-governmental organizations „Expeditio“, „Cornucopia“ and „Academica“.
The project originally planned only to create the web site. However, it was subsequently decided to collect a part of texts and produce a publication so as to enable an easier printing and skimming of the most interesting and useful features. Since the printed version had not been envisaged, we did not name the sources of literature from the Internet or the sources of photographies.
Through this publication we tried to:
- Analyse the way in which the space in Montenegro is evaluated and planned;
- Promote the principles of energetically efficient and sustainable construction;
- Research into European experience and now models for a modern house in Montenegro;
-Promote the concept of creative cities etc.
A number of features prepared by the NGO “Expeditio” was the basis of the programmes such as “My Town – My Home” broadcasted on Atlas TV from October 2010 until June 2011. The project “My Town – My Home” was implemented by the ex Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection (presently: Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism) and Atlas TV, in cooperation with our organization. Our aim was to inform the citizens of Montenegro in more detail about the principles of sustainable spatial development. Since many interesting topics were dealt with in these programmes, we decided to present them on the web site in an e-book.
Publikacija Benefit - Living. pdf (22MB)
All texts (presently more than 100) could be found on