From July 2009 to January 2012 Expeditio implemented the project "SOSTENUTO" in cooperation with partner organizations from the Mediterranean region, through the European Union MED program. More details about the Sostenuto project read here and below you can follow all the activities of the Sostenuto project in Montenegro.
Project that will be realized in a partnership with NVO Green Home has been approved to our organization. Project is entitled "EKOPlan - Monitoring implementation of sustainable spatial development and environmental protection in the spatial planning documents in Montenegro".The project aims to encourage application of the principles of sustainable development and environmental protection in the spatial planning documents in Montenegro, through analysis and monitoring of program tasks, plans, projects and legistative as well as research of legislation application and its impact on citizens. The donor is: Foundation Open Society Institute - Representative Office Montenegro (FOSI ROM).
The project "Kotor for Children" is supported by the Commission for allocation of revenue from games of chance in 2010. The idea is to get rich cultural and historical heritage of Kotor closer to the children population in an interesting and appropriate way. Within this project, Expeditio has set up a website named KOTOR FOR CHILDREN. You can see it at:
Integration of gender equality into plans and programs at all levels is a legal obligation that is not implemented sufficiently in Montenegro. The intention of the project "Gender and Space" was to encourage the process of introducing gender perspektve in the spatial development planning in Montenegro. The project aims to increase awareness of gender equality principles in actors who are involved in the spatial planning in Montenegro.
This project is one of eight NGOs projects approved under the "IPA 2007 Support to Civil Society in Montenegro". Partners: CORNUCOPIA - Institute for Space and Culture, from Vransko, Slovenia and ACADEMICA - Academic Group, from Belgrade, Serbia. The overall objective of the project is to promote intercultural dialogue and creativity between EU and Montenegro in the field of contemporary architecture and planning. The main purpose of the project is the development of concepts of modern, energy-efficient and low-cost (low cost) houses, which will form a new space that would unite the characteristics of Montenegrin surroundings and the accomplishments of contemporary architecture, new technologies and knowledge taken from the EU and neighboring countries.
Under the Regulation on the criteria for determining the users and the manner of distribution of revenues from games of chance, and on the basis of a public announcement of February 3rd 2009 for the allocation of revenues from games of chance, the Commission on the sessions held on April 30th and May 04th 2009 adopted a DECISION on the allocation of revenues from games of chance for co-financing programs and projects. Expeditio received granted funds for the project "Museum Treasure of Perast - Internet presentation" in the amount of € 4,300.00.
In the period September 2009 - March 2010, Expeditio conducted a research on the topic "Cultural Needs of Youth in Boka Kotorska". The project is funded by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Media of Montenegro, through the co-financing projects for young people in 2009 programme, and within the implementation of the Action plan for Youth in 2009. This study was conceived as part of a wider project called Sostenuto that EXPEDITIO implements in cooperation with partners from France, Italy, Slovenia and Spain, in the framework of the EU MED program. Topic of the Sostenuto project is looking at culture as a factor of economic and social innovation.
Committee for Civil Initiative has launched a project called "Non-institutional actors of cultural policy in Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia". Project partners areRemont from Belgrade, Expeditio from Kotor and the Center for Contemporary Art from Skopje. The project is co-funded by the European Cultural Foundation (ECF). In Montenegro, the project is part of a wider initiative implemented by EXPEDITIO under the MED program, called Sostenuto.
Donor of the project "Education to Values of Space" is the Open Society Institute, Representative Office Montenegro. The aim of the project is to educate youth / children about the values of space, its advantages and capabilities for community development. This is an important issue since the public areas in Montenegro generally neglected and often dangerous for users while training on the values of space in Montenegro is insufficient. The project was done in partnership with: elementary school "Savo Ilić" (Kotor), the Office for the Prevention of Drug Addiction (Kotor), Forum MNE (Kotor) and the Institute of Education of Montenegro (Podgorica).
In this project EXPEDITIO was the local partner to the organization Vitra - Centre for Sustainable Development in Cerknica, Slovenia, which received by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs a grant to implement project to improve the knowledge on energy efficiency through a series of lectures and FREE distribution of energy-saving light bulbs in Montenegro.
Project "Reflection of Arts in Public Spaces in Cetinje" was realized in the period December 2008 - September 2009 in the framework of the UNDP program "Support Project to Spatial Planning in Montenegro".The aim of the project "Reflection of Arts in Public Spaces in Cetinje" was to improve the public spaces in Cetinje with new elements of artistic quality through the implementation of specific interventions by involving stakeholders in decision-making and planning. The donor of this project is the Swedish Agency for International Development - SIDA.
The overall objective is to strengthen the capacity of the SEE Heritage Network, through legal and organizational defining, enhancing its visibility and influence and creating foundations for sustainability, and creation of sustainable network, which would be more stable and more active in the fields of its activities in the area of South East Europe and beyond. Donor of this project is Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB), the project lasts 12 months.
In the period from October 13th till 17th 2008, in cooperation with the United States Embassy in Podgorica, EXPEDITIO is organizing a program visit of American experts in the field of cultural heritage. This visit is implemented within the Spiker program of the US Embassy. The aim of this visit is that the experts from the United States, through a series of presentations and meetings, to stakeholders in the field of cultural heritage from Montenegro communicate their experiences related to the protection and promotion of cultural heritage. This experience from America could be significant for promoting the process of development of adequate strategies to protect cultural heritage of Montenegro, taking in account particular role of heritage as an important factor of development.
The project "Energy Days in Montenegro" was implemented within the campaign The Sustainable Energy Europe 2005-2008 / Sustainable Energy Europe 2005-2008 / launched by the European Commission EXPEDITIO applied for implementation of the campaign Energy Days in Montenegro in order to thus become part of the network The Sustainable Energy Partnership. Our application is officially accepted on 25.07.2007. European Commission does not allocate funds for local partners, but offers the possibility of greater visibility, promotion and credibility at the European level (use of logo, promotion on EU site, etc.).
EPEDITIO participated in a working team that have just finished "Study of the built heritage of Kostanjica". The study was conducted for the purpose of Amendment detailed urban plan of Kostanjica which its procured by Municipality of Kotor. The bearer of the study is the Faculty of Architecture in Podgorica. Task Team leader was Doc. Dr. Elias Lalosevic, BSc. Eng. Arch., conservator consultant; and associates Jelena Franovic, BSc. Eng. landscape arch. and Aleksandra Kapetanovic, B. Sc. Eng. Arch., conservator and Biljana Gligoric, BSc. Eng. Arch. both from EXPEDITIO.
The aim of the Landscape Stewardship Exchange in Boka Kotorska was to foster a more active involvement of citizens in the landscape protection, management and planning (stewardship), specifically through a direct involvement in the process of identification of cultural landscape values. The LSE programme focused on the area of Boka Kotorska, including the territories of the municipalities of Kotor, Tivat and Herceg Novi, as an extremely valuable cultural landscape, which is currently facing many challenges and risks related to its protection and planning. This project is funded by Quebec-Labrador Foundation through Trust for Mutual Understanding.
In mid-December our organization has been granted a three-year project to strengthen the institutional capacity, but also for the further active contribution to implementation of the Strategy for Sustainable Development of Montenegro. The main objectives of the project are: establishment of efficient human resource management, ensuring long-term sustainability of Expeditio, development and improvement of program activities and providing visibility of the organization in general and expert public through the creation of PR material and annual report EXPEDITIO for 2008 and 2009. The donor is: Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Project duration: 3 years.
The territory of the Municipality Kotor is specific in its rich cultural heritage. The project "Database of Cultural Monuments of Municipality Kotor - an Internet Presentation" aims to launch, through internet as a modern media, an extensive presentation of the cultural heritage of Kotor. The first stage envisages the setting up of a bilingual site. This way the information about cultural assets of Kotor will be distributed to the widest audience in a simple and attractive way. Within the COMPETITION for allocation of budget funds intended for the financing of NGOs in the Municipality of Kotor for 2008, EXPEDITIO received funds for this project in the amount of 3.275,00 eur.
Employment Agency of Montenegro co-financed Expeditio activities within the project "Sostenuto" named "Culture - The identity of Boka Bay". Expeditio has initiated the process of research "Cultural Practices in the Bay of Kotor" within the project "Sostenuto", where, in cooperation with the competent services of the Municipality of Kotor, Tivat and Herceg Novi, is developed front research and draft of the Local Culture Development Programme for 2012-16. During the project was carried out a detailed process of cultural mapping of the region, a database of cultural actors is made, as well as analysis of the independent cultural scene. For the project needs Expeditio hired persons registered with the Employment Agency, while Employment Agency of Montenegro has provided funds in the amount of 7,267.48 euros (gross) to refund salaries for participants in this public work.
Izrada softvera za energetsku efikasnost u stambenom sektoru se vrši u okviru pilot projekta “Energetska efikasnost u stanovanju – procjena uticaja” koji realizuje firma GreenMax Capital Advisors iz Varšave (Poljska) u sklopu partnerstva sa Evropskim fondom za Jugoistočnu Evropu, koji funkcioniše kao dio programa Evropske Komisije. Partner u ovom projektu je i EXPEDITIO. Odobrena sredstva: 1.250,00 EUR
The project Revival of City Squares in Balkan Cities was implemented during 2011-2012 The project aimed to contribute to the revival of city squares as viable public places that foster cultural identity and promote diversity through enforcement of public policies and active community participation. The project lead partner was organization Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development from Tirana, Albania; while the project partners were: Coalition for Sustainable Development KOR from Skopje, Macedonia; EXPEDITIO from Kotor, Montenegro and Polis University (International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies) from Tirana, Albania.
Architectural research of the former French Embassy building in Cetinje were carried out as one of the activities within the project "Ljubljana Process - Rehabilitation of our common heritage", coordinated by the Regional Cooperation Council Task Force on Culture and Society (RCCTFCS), with headquarters in Cetinje. The Ministry of Culture is responsible for the implementation of activities in Montenegro. The project is funded by the European Union through a grant intended for the sustainable rehabilitation of cultural heritage in the Western Balkans.
Rockefeller Brothers Fund approved the funding of the project "Promotion of Education for Sustainable Development through Professional Support to the Implementation of the Cross-Curricular Area: Sustainable Cities and Neighborhoods". The project aims to raise awareness of sustainable spatial planning in schools in Montenegro. Education on spatial planning, sustainable forms of transport and land use, will be implemented through a multi disciplinary lesson "Sustainable cities and towns" as part of school curricula.
In early March 2013 the EU program "Culture Programme 2007-2013" (Line 1.2.1 'Cooperation project') approved the project ECLECTIS. One of the seven partners in this project and Expeditio. Within the project ECLECTIS, organizations ProstoRož from Slovenia, Expeditio from Montenegro, Tranforms from Portugal, Waag from Netherlands, Idensitat from Spain, Dedale from France and EFAP (European Forum for Architectural Policies) from Belgium aim at implementing an innovative structuring European process to favour citizens’ integration in the urban making, valuing European diversity, intercultural dialogue and new technologies as sources to stimulate creativity and new practices.
Preparation and publishing of the book "Stroll around Kotor and Guide for Inquisitive Children" was supported by the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro within the Competition for financing projects in the field of cultural and artistic creation in 2011. Author of the book is Stanka Brdar, while publishers were Expeditio and Foundation Kotor Festival of Theatre for Children.
At the beginning of March 2012, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF) approved a grant to Expeditio for the implementation of the project “Promoting the Principles of Sustainable Development in Public Spaces of Boka Kotorska”. The aim of the project is to implement various interventions in some of the public spaces identified through the realized process of “Mapping of public spaces”, making them, in that way, experimental fields for promoting sustainable development ideas. The duration of the project is two years.
Click here to read more about the project. The activties are listed and described below.
In August 2013 Anna Lindh Foundation has decided to support the project Expeditio "SPACES OF DIVERSITY- Public spaces as a field of intercultural dialogue and the promotion of social values". Project will last 11 months.
Read more about project here. Below you can follow the activities.
This project was designed in cooperation with the Municipality of Kotor in order to strengthen the capacity of local governments and non-governmental organizations in the Bay of Kotor for projects writing and managing grants from the EU funds. The project is funded under the program PHILIA - Association of Multiethnic Cities of Southeast Europe.
This is the first project that deals with inter-municipal cooperation in the territory of the Boka Kotorska - among the municipalities of Kotor, Tivat and Herceg Novi. This is the first project of this type in Montenegro. Funding for the project was approved by the Netherlands Embassy in Belgrade, through their office in Podgorica, the general topic of the project will be cultural tourism of the Boka Bay. The main objective of the project is development and testing of various forms of cooperation between municipalities, NGOs and private companies in the region of Boka Kotorska.
This is a partnership project which includes 7 non-governmental organizations from Montenegro, among them EXPEDITIO. The aim of this project is adoption of Spatial Plan of Montenegro, which is in process and should be harmonized with European standards in the field of spatial planning. Spatial Plan monitoring from various aspects is implemented by the following non-governmental organizations from Montenegro: MANS, Green Home, Center for Bird Study and Protection, Breznica, Expeditio, Monitoring Group Ulcinj - MOGUL and Natura. Sponsor: UNDP.
EXPEDITIO has published GUIDE TO PERAST and PERAST BROCHURE in our and English language. Guide and brochure printing was funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), through IRD, as part of the development of community through democratic economic activity (CRDA). Along with the guide is made bilingual WEB SITE PERAST . Development of the web site is financed by the Municipality of Kotor resources for financing NGO projects in 2005.
At the Competition for the allocation of funds to non-governmental organizations for 2006 EXPEDITIO received part of the funds for the project "Spaces without Barriers". The main activity of the project is the issue of the first textbook in Montenegro about architectural and construction standards for adaptation for disabled persons. Partners: Faculty of Architecture Sarajevo Dr. Emir Fejzic. Sponsors: Republic of Montenegro Assembly (at the Competition for the allocation of funds to NGOs for 2006).
The campaign "Look Around - Think about Space!" Was launched by EXPEDITIO in April 2005. The aim of the campaign is gathering citizens of Montenegro around a topic that is a common problem for all of us which is treatening the environment by (inadequate) building. The territory covered by the campaign is Montenegro, and the project is implemented in cooperation with partners and associates from non-governmental organizations: Natura - Kolasin, Niksic Architects' Society, Napredak - Gornja Lastva, Club of Architects - Herceg Novi, Za Druga - Petrovac and the Society of Friends of Durmitor - Zabljak. The project will last 18 months and began in April 2005. The project is financed from the funds of the European Union through the European Agency for Reconstruction in Podgorica.
The aim of the project "Managing Space - Promoting EU standards" was to increase the awareness of citizens of Serbia and Montenegro on European standards in the field of space - urban planning, architecture, sustainable development and cultural heritage, as well as to determine the directions of action in these areas so that could be made a step up of Serbia and Montenegro towards European integration. Partners: PaPs - Pubic Art and Public Space from Belgrade. Donor: EU European Movement in Serbia - European Integration Fund.
As part of project funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation "Skadar Lake - Sustainable Development", one of the activities has related to the preparation of the study "Skadar Lake - Study of the Potential for Sustainable Development". The publication was not issued in printed form, but can be used in digital. The reasons for directing research in this geographical area lie in the extraordinary richness and diversity of its cultural landscape (natural and built) environment, that represents the greatest potential for development of the region, which has not yet been properly evaluated.
In the period of two years (2003-2005) EXPEDITIO performed another role, acting as a Regional Advocacy Centre (RAC). EXPEDITIO RAC is committed to supporting non-governmental organizations and promoting better relations between NGOs, government bodies, business sector and the media in the municipalities of Kotor, Tivat, Budva, Herceg Novi, Bar and Ulcinj. Sponsors: USAID / ORT MAP (Montenegro Advocacy Program).
The project "ECOLOGICAL BUILDING - BUILDING WITH NATURE" is conceived as a campaign with the aim of informing the general and expert public with different aspects of sustainable development in the field of ecological construction, energy use and environmental protection. EXPEDITIO has decided to take this step aware of the environmental and economic crisis in which we live as well as complete focus on the energy sources that are almost exhausted and non-renewable which use results in pollution, with considerable imbalance of natural flows. Sponsors: Republic of Montenegro Assembly.
The project was based on an event organized in Kotor on April 17th 2004, that included - three lectures on architects and artists who were active in the Boka Kotorska in the 20th century: architect Milan Zlokovic, lecture held by prof. dr Ljiljana Blagojevic from Belgrade, architect Nikola Dobrovic, lecture held by Krunoslav Ivanisin from Dubrovnik, artist Vojislav Stanic, ecture held by prof. Irina Subotic from Belgrade and an exhibition of photographs by Milica Lopicic, a student of architecture from Belgrade. Donors: PRO HELVETIA Belgrade and Swiss Cultural Programme for Serbia and Montenegro.
With its work “The Story about Two Islands” EXPEDITIO participated, as representative of Serbia and Montenegro, at the 9th Biennial of Venice 2004. The topic of the Biennial was “METAMORPH”, and of our pavilion “Montenegrin ECO-logic Lab”.The work of EXPEDITIO is a computer 3D animation, one of six works done by architects and artists that are active on the territory of Montenegro. Donors: Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Montenegro
Since June 2003, EXPEDITIO has performed another role, acting as a Regional Advocacy Centre (RAC). EXPEDITIO RAC was dedicated to supporting non-governmental organizations and promoting better quality relations between NGOs, government bodies, the business sector and the media in the municipality of Kotor, Tivat, Budva, Herceg Novi, Bar and Ulcinj. One of the activities carried out within the RAC in 2004 was the implementation of Watchdog initiative in cooperation with NGOs Mans and Natura.
The project “Planning for the future” was a partner project conducted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with partners from non-governmental sector, one of which was EXPEDITIO. The aim of the project was to monitor the drawing up and implementation of the new Low on Spatial Planning and land use management of the Republic of Montenegro. Partners: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Physical Planning of MontenegroMinistry of Tourism of Montenegro, SIDASwedish International Development Cooperation Agency, UNDP-United Nations Development Programme, EXPEDITIO and Association of Architects of Montenegro.
How To Send A Message / How To Produce A Contemporary Art Work – Step By Step (HSM) is an author project of artist Milica Tomic, whose starting idea was to make the process of an art work creation visible, to render this traumatic act less dramatic. The project has been conducted in cooperation with the Nordic, Serbian and Austrian artists. Expeditio was a partner in this project. Sponsors/producers: The Nordic Council of Ministers (within a two-year programme Norden Balkan Culture Switch) and The Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art – NIFCA.
EXPEDITIO organized the third volunteer restoration camp on Viskovic Palace in Perast, in co-operation with the partner organization Svenska Byggnadsvardsföreningen from Stockholm (the Swedish Association for Building Preservation).This year restoration camp on Viskovic Palace in Perast focused on the conservation and restoration of wooden doors.
In cooperation with NGO “GODINJE”, Expeditio organized an architectural workshop in the village of Godinje on Skadar Lake. 9 students of architecture and volunteers from NGO Godinje took part in the workshop. Within this project is done publication: "EXPEDITIO Godinje - architectural workshop" that represent research of condicted work during the workshop.Partner: NGO "Godinje". Donors: NEXT Fresh & co, Subotica and NGO Godinje, Podgorica. Publication printing was additionaly funded by Ministry of Culture and Media of Montenegro.
In 2004 EXPEDITO conducted the campaign “Medieval Towns of Montenegro” aimed at presenting and promoting the medieval towns of Montenegro as an insufficiently known cultural-historical segment of the Montenegrin past and culture, and recognizing these localities as unique and attractive cultural itineraries which could attract a considerable number of tourists. Donors: UNDP-United Nations Development Programme and Rockefeller Brothers Fund, USA.
In 2005 EXPEDITIO published the second edition of the publication on Perast “Three Hundred Years of Solitude” in Italian language, that presents the results of the first school of architecture conducted in Perast in 1997. It is published with the aim to present and promote the values of Perast. Donor / support: Marco Polo System g.e.i.e., Venezia, Italia.
Publication “Palaces of Boka Kotorska” and web site were developed as a result of the project „Culture Itineraires - Palaces of Boka Kotorska“. The project was aimed at presenting the palaces of Boka Kotorska and including them into the official tourist offer, as one of the possible cultural itineraries, in order to contribute to recognizing the value of heritage and improving cultural tourism of Montenegro, enhancing at the same time economic and social development of the country. Donors: Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Montenegro and Municipality of Kotor.
The project implies observing the process of constructing a United Nations building in Podgorica. It was the first UN building and the first public building in this area constructed according to the ecological construction principles. The project aims at promoting the idea, principles and techniques of sustainable, energy efficient construction, and raising awareness about them, through observing the full process of UN building realization. This project lasted 2 years and donor was UNDP, office in Podgorica.
Project “Polish Experiences Meet Montenegro Challenges on NGO Capacity Building” was initiated by the Institute for Sustainable Development in Warsaw, which was one of the most active social organizations in awareness raising on the way to Poland accession to the European Union. Partners of the Institute for Sustainable Development on this project were: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Montenegro and Sustainable Development Office and, as the main partner, EXPEDITIO Center for Sustainable Spatial Development from Kotor. The project was realized thanks to the help of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland within the tasks related to foreign and international development cooperation aid. Donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, within the framework of the foreign assistance programme in 2006.
Experience of the Swedish organization for the care of heritage - Svenska för byggnadsvard föreningen, with which EXPEDITIO has been cooperating since 2001, was an impulse for our organization to try to achieve something siilar in our region. The first in a series of camps was the work action of clearing up the fortress "St. Baptism "in Perast 2002, attended by volunteers from our country and Sweden. The second volunteer work camp in 2003 was related to the preparatory work for the rehabilitation of the fortress in Perast. At this camp participated volunteers from our country and Sweden.
Preparation and organization of the one day round table entitled: "Cultural Heritage - Potential for the Development of Boka Kotorska.Round table was accompanied with development of the promotional material - 500 posters and 1000 leaflets promoting the topic of cultural heritage of Boka Bay. Partners: Regional Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments, Kotor Montenegro. Sponsors: USAID/ORT Montenegro Advocacy Program.
Experience of the Swedish organization for the care of heritage - Svenska för byggnadsvard föreningen, with which EXPEDITIO has been cooperating since 2001, was an impulse for our organization to try to achieve something siilar in our region. The first in a series of camps was the work action of clearing up the fortress "St. Baptism "in Perast 2002, attended by volunteers from our country and Sweden. The second volunteer work camp in 2003 was related to the preparatory work for the rehabilitation of the fortress in Perast. At this camp participated volunteers from our country and Sweden. Donor: Republic of Montenegro Assembly.
Public anonymous architectural competition.The reason for launching the architectural competition „A NEW DURMITOR HOUSE“ was the occurrence of illegal and inadequate building in the region of Mountain Durmitor which threatens to devastate permanently, both in the form and appearance, this area of exceptional value (protected by UNESCO).The project was aimed at promoting the principles of traditional and ecological/green architecture of Durmitor, as a starting point for future building activities. Donors: UNDP-United Nations Development Programme and Rockefeller Brothers Fund, USA.
The project present BA Theses of 5 students of the Faculty of Architecture and a student of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Cetinje. All the theses have a common topic – the town of Perast. Participants: Aleksandra Kapetanovic, Tatjana Rajic, Radojka Nozica, Ljubomirka Bilenjkij, Biljana Gligoric i Radmila Beca Radulovic. Sponsors: EXPEDITIO and foundation “ZID” (financed the exhibition within the Biennial of Cetinje).
This project was a part of the CHAIN OF DISCOVERIES project organized by the foundation MM ART from Podgorica. Our activity within project "Chain of Discoveries" was presenting less known places, people and events of Perast. Printing of a leaflet was also included. Sponsor: MM ART Foundation, Podgorica.
EXPEDITIO workshop "Zagora" was held in August 2000 in this village in Grbalj. That was the second expedition on the territory of Grbalj (the first one was in 1998 in village Sutvara). The participants were 16 students of architecture and civil engineering from Banja Luka and Belgrade. Participants were placed at locals residences which gave a unique experience to our research. Sponsors: Association for the Restoration of the Podlastva Monastery, Grbalj; RESTAURART, Budva; MONTECEP, Kotor and JP MORSKO DOBRO, Budva.
Surveying the existing state of the village of Sutvara.The project was initiated by the “Association for the Restoration of the Podlastva Monastery“ from Grbalj and included surveying the village and making photo documentation. This is the first documentation ever done for the village of Sutvara situated at the field of Grbalj. Sponsor: “Association for the Restoration of the Podlastva Monastery“,Grbalj.
This was the first project - expedition - that we have conducted. The choice of the location i.e. Perast proved to have had a decisive role in the further development of EXPEDITIO.Our organization had official support by the UNESCO for this project. Sponsors: OPEN SOCIETY FUND, Belgrade; CEP, Belgrade; Ministry of Construction of Serbia; CIP-Transportation Institute, Belgrade; Nina GRO; Meteor promet; STEM, Belgrade; PAPIR PLAST, Belgrade and Ministry of Environmental Protection and Spatial Planning of Montenegro.
A one-day workshop with a topic “The Return of Ibis Bird” within the international project organized by the “Young Researches of Serbia”. EXPEDITIO was invited to organize a one-day workshop. Our idea was to make paper birds and place them around the swamp, symbolozing in that way the return of birds in their habitats. Sponsor: EXPEDITIO
An international architectural workshop with the topic “Revitalization of the Town of Perast”. The second expedition in Perast made a step further compared to the research conducted in 1997. Based on the collected data the participants gave proposals for the possible revitalization of Perast. Some of the issues that students considered were: the town lighting, public places, reconstruction of ruined objects, seafood production, reconstruction of the waterfront etc. Sponsor: OPEN SOCIETY FUND, Belgrade
The project "Heritage - Driver of Development" aim is contribution to the establishment of cooperation between the institutions responsible for the protection of natural and cultural heritage in Croatia and Montenegro through implementation of joint programs, education, transfer of knowledge and activities to raise awareness. More about the project, read at: .
ACT4CITY - Independent cultural actors towards sustainable Balkan cities promotes sustainable city approach through joint educational, artistic and advocacy actions implemented by independent cultural actors. Project is jointly realized by Expeditio, Kotor, ME; Ministarstvo prostora, Belgrade, RS; City Creative Network - CCN, Skoplje, MK; Art radionica Lazareti, Dubrovnik, HR. The project ACT4CITY is funded by Balkan Arts and Culture Fund BAC. BAC is supported by the Swiss Government through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the European Cultural Foundation (EFC).
The project SCHOOL ♥ CITY aims to improve the knowledge about the planning of sustainable cities and towns among the teachers and students in primary schools in Montenegro. The legal basis for the implementation of the project is the fact that the Education for sustainable development programme has already been introduced into Montenegrin educational system, including eight cross-curricular fields, one of which is Sustainable cities and towns. Although this legal basis for education on sustainable cities has been created, the level of its implementation in primary schools in Montenegro is still very low. For that reason, the SCHOOL ♥ CITY project deals with practical education of teachers and students about the topic of sustainable cities and towns, so that this cross-curricular field could become part of the regular school curricula.
Urban Hum is a multidisciplinary platform with the goal of critical thinking presentation, preservation and interpretation of urban, public spaces in the region. Our mission connects us to each other with our different histories, playing (former) multi-cultural nation. Our goal is to transform the local community from the places in which we live into a place that we love and understand - together. Partners on the project URBAN HUM are: Association of Shadow Casters, Croatia (project leader); The Association for Culture and Art FRU, Macedonia; REX Cultural Centre, Serbia; Qendra Multimedia, Kosovo; Expeditio, Montenegro.
Aim of the project “City Spaces – Spaces for Citizens” is to improve participation of independent cultural scene actors in decision-making processes concerning management of public properties in partner countries. Therefore the main idea of the project “City Spaces – Spaces for Citizens” is to contribute to the overall independent scene capacity building processesby promoting regional cooperation and experiences in the field of public properties management, addressing at the same time specific issues in local contexts of Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro. The total value of the project is EUR 10180.
EXPEDITIO is partner in the European project "New Ideas for Old Buildings". The project is implemented by seven small and medium-sized cities in Europe from the Baltic to the Balkans, who are facing common problems of economic and social decline and want to find an effective and democratic solutions for revitalising their towns and enhancing the quality of life of their inhabitants. The project was implemented within the framework of the program Europe for Citizens. It started in July 2015 and will last until the end of June 2017.
Projekat AGRISCAPE&ME- Obnova tradicionalnih poljoprivrednih pejzaža za održivu poljoprivredu realizuje se iz sredstava Evropske unije u okviru regionalnog projekta “Održiva poljoprivreda za održivi Balkan: jačanje kapaciteta organizacija civilnog društva za javno zastupanje i razvijanje politika na zapadnom Balkanu“ koji sprovodi regionalni konzorcijum organizacija civilnog društva iz Albanije, bivše jugoslovenske republike Makedonije, Kosova i Crne Gore, predvođen Organizacijom za poštovanje i brigu o životinjama – ORCA iz Srbije.
Projekat AGRISCAPE&ME realizuju organizacije EXPEDITIO Centar za održivi prostorni razvoj, Kulturno zavičajno udruženja NAPREDAK Gornja Lastva i Maslinarsko društvo „Boka“ – Boka Kotorska. Saradnik na projektu je Mreža za ruralni razvoj Crne Gore.
Ciljevi projekta AGRISCAPE&MEsu jačanja kapaciteta organizacija civilnog društva koje se bave kulturnom baštinom, pejzažom i poljoprivredom i stvaranju platforme relevantnih aktera u oblastima poljoprivrede, kulturne baštine, pejzaža i planiranja koja će doprinijeti unapređenju zakonskog i institucionalnog okvira za zaštitu, planiranje i upravljanje tradicionalnim poljoprivrednim pejzažom u cilju razvoja održive poljoprivrede u Crnoj Gori. Više o projektu možete naći na zvaničnom web sajtu:
In September 2016, our organization got approved the project PREFAB Ø ENERGY. The project is funded by the European Union, within the framework of the grant scheme "Transfer of knowledge between the sectors of higher education, research and industry", which is implemented under the Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2012-2013. Ministry of Finance, ie. Directorate for Finance and Contracting the EU assistance is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the project.
Project, that started on September 2nd 2016, will last 12 months.
Approved amount for this project is € 22,436.19 (90% of the total project amount).
Headley Trust Foundation in May 2014 approved a grant to Expeditio project named "Traditional materials and building techniques in the Boka Kotorska". Given the lack of appropriate examples of restoration of traditional wooden windows and application of lime mortar on traditional buildings, and the lack of information in our language concerning these issues, there is a need for professional literature on traditional techniques, crafts and materials. EXPEDITIO conceived this project in order to continue improving the knowledge and skills of traditional materials and the use of building techniques, focusing on wooden windows and lime mortar.
In December 2015, a project of Expeditio entitled STRONGO Developing stronger civil society in Boka Kotorska was approved by the European Union through the IPA 2014 Civil Society Facility Montenegro Programme.
The project lead partner is Expeditio, while other partners are 4 non-governmental organizations from the area of Boka Kotorska: “Naša Akcija” from Kotor, “Urban Nova” from Herceg Novi, Cultural Heritage Association NAPREDAK Gornja Lastva from Tivat and “Agora” from Budva. Project duration is 35 months.
The project "SCHOOL4CITY Bringing education about sustainable cities in Montenegrin schools" has been approved in October 2015 by The Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU (German Federal Environmental Foundation), one of Europe's largest foundations that promotes innovative and exemplary environmental projects.
Expeditio je započeo sprovođenje projekta "Aktiviranje potencijala otvorenih javnih prostora za unapređenje kvaliteta života u Kotoru" je projekat koji podrazumijeva sagledavanje javnih prostora kao faktora unapređenja svakodnevnog života građana/ki u Kotoru kroz uređenje prostora koji ih okružuje. Projekat je podržan kroz ReLOaD program koji finansira Evropska unija, a sprovodi Program Ujedinjenih nacija za razvoj (UNDP). U Crnoj Gori, ReLOaD program se sprovodi u partnerstvu sa opštinama Kotor, Tivat, Nikšić, Pljevlja i Podgorica.
Cilj projekta “Stazama kroz Svjetsku baštinu” je unapređenje turističke ponude Prirodnog i kulturno-istorijskog područja Kotora koje se nalazi na UNESCO-voj listi svjetske baštine i podsticanje aktivnog života građana/ki ovog područja putem aktiviranja alternativnih vrsta eko/aktivnog i kulturnog turizma (outdoor, hiking, ruralni,...) a kroz analizu, mapiranje i izradu informativnog i promotivnog materijala o pješačkim i planinarskim stazama. Projekat je podržan od strane Opštine Kotor na Javnom konkursu za raspodjelu budžetskih sredstava namijenjenih finansiranju nevladinih organizacija za 2017. godinu. Projekat je realizovan uz podršku Turističke organizacije Opštine Kotor.
Među 12 grantova dodijeljenih od strane Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) iz fonda Evropske unije, podržan je i Expeditio projekat WWII-MonumentSEE. Počev od 9.11.2018. narednih 7 meseci, Expeditio će sa saradnicima raditi na procjeni spomenika nastalih nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, u cilju razvijanja novog regionalnog turističkog proizvoda / kulturne maršrute.
Expeditio je u julu 2019. godine započeo sprovođenje projekta "UPOZNAJMO, DA BISMO ČUVALI - Svjetska baština Područja Kotora". Projekat je podržan u okviru Regionalnog programa lokalne demokratije na Zapadnom Balkanu – ReLOaD koji finansira Evropska unija, a sprovodi Program Ujedinjenih nacija za razvoj (UNDP). U Crnoj Gori, ReLOaD program sprovodi se u partnerstvu sa opštinama Kotor, Tivat, Nikšić, Pljevlja i Podgorica. Cilj projekta je povećanje nivoa edukovananosti i informisanosti građana/ki i turista o obuhvatu, vrijednostima i značaju Prirodnog i kulturno-istorijskog područja Kotora kao područja Svjetske baštine, i traje 10 mjeseci.
Projekat PUTEVIMA BAŠTINE ima za cilj unaprijeđenje prezentacije nepokretne kulturne baštine i poboljšanje turističke ponude u Crnoj Gori kroz afirmaciju kulturne baštine kao potencijala za kreiranje nacionalnih kulturnih ruta ali i za priključenje regionalnim i Evropskim kulturnim rutama.
Projekat “PUTEVIMA BAŠTINE - potencijali kulturne baštine za kreiranje kulturnih ruta Crne Gore” realizovala je nevladina organizacija EXPEDITIO tokom 2019. godine, a finansiralo je Ministarstvo kulture na osnovu javnog konkursa za dodjelu finansijskih sredstava za projekte/programe nevladinih organizacija "Raznolikost izraza nezavisne kulturne scene".
Na osnovu Odluke Komisije Ministarstva kulture o raspodjeli sredstava nevladinim organizacijama na osnovu Javnog konkursa „Razvijajmo kulturne navike!“ Expeditiu su odobrena sredstva za realizaciju projekta "Istraživanje: Organizacije u oblasti kulturne baštine u Crnoj Gori / analiza stanja, potreba i uslova za razvoj".