Results realized within the project Heritage - Driver of Development were presented at a Programme conference of the IPA Cross-border Programme Croatia-Montenegro 2007-2013, which was held at the Hotel Ramada, Podgorica, 11 January 2016.

The project "Heritage - Driver of Development" aim is contribution to the establishment of cooperation between the institutions responsible for the protection of natural and cultural heritage in Croatia and Montenegro through implementation of joint programs, education, transfer of knowledge and activities to raise awareness. More about the project, read at: .
Results realized within the project Heritage - Driver of Development were presented at a Programme conference of the IPA Cross-border Programme Croatia-Montenegro 2007-2013, which was held at the Hotel Ramada, Podgorica, 11 January 2016.
Manual on Protection, Planning and Management of Heritage, which summarizes experiences and knowledge gained during the implementation of the project “Heritage-Driver of Development”, has been presented in Landscap-e Newsletter no 47 of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia.
Project Heritage - Driver of Development had its presentation within The 16th Council of Europe Meeting of the Workshops for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention on “Landscape and transfrontier cooperation: Landscape knows no boundary”, held in Andorra la Vella, Andorra, 1-2 October 2015. Meeting and workshop are organised by the Council of Europe – Democratic Governance, Secretariat of the European Landscape Convention – in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Sustainable development of Andorra, within the context of the Work Programme of the European Landscape Convention of the Council of Europe.
Welcome to another event inspired by the project Heritage - Driver of Development: JAZZ IN THE NIGHT OF THE FULL MOON! 29 August 2015 (Saturday) at 23:00h in the enchanting scenery of Vrmac, Gornja Lastva, in front of House of Culture. Entrance is free.
Although the project "Heritage - Driver of Development" has been formally completed, we are very pleased that some activities inspired by the project continue their independent life. One such activity is the concert "Music at Dawn", to be held in Gornja Lastva, Saturday July 25, 2015 at 5:00h in the morning, in front of the church. This event is organized by the Cultural Heritage Association "Napredak" from Gornja Lastva.
Vrmac hill is a peninsula that separates Bays of Kotor and Tivat, and whose territory is administrativly governed by the Municipality of Tivat and Municipality of Kotor. Part of Vrmac which belongs to the Municipality of Kotor is also part of a protected Natural and culturo- historical Region of Kotor inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List. By the Regional Plan of the Municipality of Kotor from 1987, the area of Vrmac is planned as a regional nature park, while a part of Vrmac, which belongs to the Municipality of Tivat is defined by the Spatial and urban plan of Tivat from 2010 as a nature park.