This project is one of eight NGOs projects approved under the "IPA 2007 Support to Civil Society in Montenegro". Partners: CORNUCOPIA - Institute for Space and Culture, from Vransko, Slovenia and ACADEMICA - Academic Group, from Belgrade, Serbia. The overall objective of the project is to promote intercultural dialogue and creativity between EU and Montenegro in the field of contemporary architecture and planning. The main purpose of the project is the development of concepts of modern, energy-efficient and low-cost (low cost) houses, which will form a new space that would unite the characteristics of Montenegrin surroundings and the accomplishments of contemporary architecture, new technologies and knowledge taken from the EU and neighboring countries.
As part of the projectBenefit Living EXPEDITIO published a brochure and poster entitled “Building contemporary, low energy and low-cost houses in in Montenegro”. These publications are intended for all those who want to live in healthy and energy-efficient homes. The publications will be distributed to the local governments in Montenegro (Departments of Urbanism and Spatial Planning), and through them, made available to prospective investors. A number of copies will be available to professionals and all those who are interested in this topic.
Within the project Benefit Living, on our page portalu you can find inspiration for construction of a modern, energy efficient, family house. These are examples of the houses built in the previous several years. The houses have simple and harmonized esthetics, and they have modest size. We could imagine some of these houses in Montenegro.
Within the project Benefit Living, in the period March 21-25, 2011 a workshop was held with partners from partner organizations Cornucopia (Slovenia) and Academica (Serbia). During the workshop, the partners had the opportunity to hear about examples of best practice in sustainable construction in Montenegro, in the coastal, central and mountain region. Also, together with the partners, we shared ideas on the possible directions for promoting the condition in the field of application of environmentally-friendly approach regarding planning and construction in Montenegro.
"Green" plants for water recycling integrated in the towns, Use of flat roof in residential architecture of Boka Kotorska, Traditional in contemporary: artificial forms of historicism in the modern architecture of Boka Kotorska, New technologies and materials for energy efficient construction, 10 largest obstacles for sustainable development, Public art vs art in public space, Creating place: Public artistic work as public space....
Expeditio representative attended the international building exhibition - SAIE, dedicated to innovative materials and technologies in the field of sustainable construction and energy efficiency, which took place from 27 to 30 October 2010 in Bologna, Italay. This visit was part of the project Benefit Living.
SAIE brings together various players in order to offer integrated solutions for a changing sector, assuring greater attention to the environment as well as greater energy efficiency, safety and provision of services.
SAIE 2010 offered visitors the chance to see many innovative products and technologies, the most interesting among which are the new façade walls and roofing with integrated solar panels, the latest systems of double-skin walls with a high level of insulation, creative forms of green façades and roofs, as well as new uses of old building materials such as wood and bricks.
Within the project “Benefit Living”, our organization has launched a series of articles referring, among others, to the topics of CULTURE AND CREATIVITY. The articles that can be found on the web page http://www.expeditio.org/benefit-living/ are writen by EXPEDITIO and by our partners from the organizations Cornucopia (Slovenia) and Academica (Serbia). Believing that these articles can help you become acquainted with the new trends and ways of thinking in the field of culture, below you can find a list of them:
Within the project “Benefit Living”, the partner organizations Expeditio, Academica and Cornucopia have prepared a large number of new articles can be read here