The project "Energy Days in Montenegro" was implemented within the campaign The Sustainable Energy Europe 2005-2008 / Sustainable Energy Europe 2005-2008 / launched by the European Commission www.sustenergy.org. EXPEDITIO applied for implementation of the campaign Energy Days in Montenegro in order to thus become part of the network The Sustainable Energy Partnership. Our application is officially accepted on 25.07.2007. European Commission does not allocate funds for local partners, but offers the possibility of greater visibility, promotion and credibility at the European level (use of logo, promotion on EU site, etc.).
The Sustainable Energy Europe 2005-2008 Campaign has been launched by the European Commission www.sustenergy.org. EXPEDITO has submitted an application to conduct the campaign Energy Days in Montenegro and to join the Sustainable Energy Partnership. On 25 July 2007, our application was officially accepted by the European Commission, the Directorate General for Energy and Transport. The European Commission do not award funds for local partners, however, it provides a better visibility, promotion and credibility at the European level (use of the logo, promotion at EU site, etc.). The project is funded within the SECTOR programme of the Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) www.rec.org. The programme is financed by SIDA- Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. The funds awarded by REC are 9,000.00 €.
"Usklađenost zakonodavnog okvira u Crnoj Gori sa međunarodnim standardima u oblasti energetske efikasnosti u građevinarstvu" je dokument realizovan kao dio projekta "Dani energije u Crnoj Gori" u sklopu kampanje evropske komisije "Sustainable Energy Europe 2005-08". Autorica dokumenta je mr Vesna Simovic.