Project title | Kostanjica - Promoting the Landscape (Natural and Cultural Heritage) of Boka Kotorska |
Key words | built heritage, natural and cultural heritage, landscape |
Aim of the project | EXPEDITIO participated in the working team that was responsible for development of the "Study of the Built Heritage of Kostanjica". The study was conducted for the purpose of Amendment od Detailed Urban Plan of Kostanjica and its contracting authority Municipality of Kotor. The bearer of the study was the Faculty of Architecture in Podgorica. Task team leader was Doc. Dr. Ilija Lalosevic, BSc. Ing. Arch., conservator-advisor, and associates were: Jelena Franovic, BSc. Ing. landscape. Arch., as well as Aleksandra Kapetanovic, B. Sc. Ing. Arch. conservator and Biljana Gligoric, BSc. Ing. Arch. of EXPEDITIO. |
Activities |
Publication “Kostanjica - natural and cultural heritage” |
Outcomes / results |
Published and promoted key findings from the “Study of the Built Heritage of Kostanjica” |
Partners | EXPEDITIO |
Role of Expeditio | Lead |
Duration and period | 2008 |
Donors |
Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Protection for the allocation of funds to NGOs for 2008 Rockefeller Brothers Fund within the three-year project to strengthen the institutional capacity of EXPEDITIO and further contribution to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Strategy of Montenegro |
Budget |
EUR 1,500.00 from the Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Protection |