In December 2015, a project of Expeditio entitled STRONGO Developing stronger civil society in Boka Kotorska was approved by the European Union through the IPA 2014 Civil Society Facility Montenegro Programme.

The project lead partner is Expeditio, while other partners are 4 non-governmental organizations from the area of Boka Kotorska: “Naša Akcija” from Kotor, “Urban Nova” from Herceg Novi, Cultural Heritage Association NAPREDAK Gornja Lastva from Tivat and “Agora” from Budva. Project duration is 35 months.


volonterska akcijaCultural Heritage Association Napredak Gornja Lastva and the Green Team of Tivat Municipality are organizing a volunteer action of clearing the old walking path that leads from the asphalt road to Gornja Lastva to the plateau in front of the village church.  The walking path is about 400 meters long. The action will take place on Saturday, 10 December 2016, starting at 9 a.m. To join the action please, contact us at 069/647-444 (contact person Igor Mamula). Registration is open until 9 December 2016.

NASA AKCIJA 11 12 2016Nongovernmental organization “Naša akcija / Our Action” from Kotor, one of the partners in StroNGO project, is organizing a volunteer action in Tivat, which includes clearing of the path Solila-Bogišići-Đuraševići-Radovići. Partners in the action are Montenegro +, Porto Montenegro and Green Team Tivat. The action will take place on Sunday, 11 December 2016, beginning at 9 a.m. Gathering place is at the entrance to Solila. For volunteers coming from Podgorica, Danilograd and Nikšić the bus departs from Trg Slobode at 7 a.m. and returns at 6 p.m.

komentari pisanje projekataAfter the training “The Basic of Project Writing”, held in Budva, we asked the participants to share with us their impressions, comments and suggestions. Below you can read some of the comments from the evaluation, while the complete evaluation can be found here. We want to thank the participant for their compliments and suggestions, as well as useful ideas.

pisanje projekata5Within the project StroNGO, which aims to contribute to the development of stronger civil society in Boka Kotorska, the training on the Basics of Project Writing was held in Budva, on 19-20 November 2016. The training, attended by 26 NGO representatives, was run by trainers from the non-governmental organization Proaktiv - Ivan Topalović and Nenad Stojanović and assisted by the local partner NGO Agora from Budva.

omladinaNevladina organizacija “Nasa akcija” Kotor, partner u projektu StroNGO, organizuje radionicu “ Omadina uci omladinu: Volonterizmom do svog uspjeha” u okviru kojeg ce, osim uvodnog izlaganja, fokus biti da omladina koja se vec neko vrijeme aktivno bavi volonterizmom prenese svoje znanje, iskustva i sve druge aspekte volonterizma svojim vršnjacima.

Venecijanski sindromWe invite you to screening of the documentary film “The Venice Syndrome” (director Andreas Pichler), on Tuesday, 1 November 2016, at 8 p.m. at Kino Boka in Kotor. The film tells about the effects of mass tourism, particularly the huge number of visitors from cruisers, to everyday life of remaining Venetians. The film will be screened translated into Croatian language, and the entrance is free.

GRAD PO MJERI DJETETAA manifestation of the "Herceg Novi-grad po mjeri djeteta" this year is conducted through the project StroNGO-contribution to the development of a stronger civil society in Boka Bay. Nongovernmental Association of Urban Nova will, for the second time in a row, organize this event whose program will be implemented in the period 07. 10.-09.10.2016. in Herceg Novi. Please read below for more information.

javno o urbano prostornomThe first activity within the event entitled “Openly about urban and spatial issues”, organized by the NGO Urban Nova from Herceg Novi, includes a tour of 10 sites situated in the wider center of Herceg Novi, which, although now empty, abandoned or underused, are reminiscent of all that they used to be or could be. “The tour”, which begins at 6 p.m. in front of the former hotel Topola, will pass by the former Vinopromet, Dom omladine, the endowments of Nikola Musić and Leso Pavković, the former “Dubrava” motel, the endowments Đurović- Boskovic Laketić and Duković, Burovina Palace and Boka park.

Novi val Budva 2016On Friday, 16 September 2016 at 8 p.m. the screening of films of the Novi Val Festival, postponed last week because of rain, will be held in the Modern Gallery in Budva. The program features 15 to 20-minute-long films by young authors, including “The Chicken” by Una Gunjak and “Picnic” by Jure Pavlović, awarded with “European Oscar”, as well as the films “One Night” by Strahinja Savić and “Backyards” by Ivan Salatić.

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EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.

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