Publication: Local Community – A Place or a Community?

Aim of the project “City Spaces – Spaces for Citizens” is to improve participation of independent cultural scene actors in decision-making processes concerning management of public properties in partner countries. Therefore the main idea of the project “City Spaces – Spaces for Citizens” is to contribute to the overall independent scene capacity building processesby promoting regional cooperation and experiences in the field of public properties management, addressing at the same time specific issues in local contexts of Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro. The total value of the project is EUR 10180.
Study visit to Zagreb and Split was organized on 4-6 November 2016 within the project City Spaces - Spaces for Citizens. During the visits to Zagreb and Split seven representatives of NGOs from Serbia and Montenegro (Ministry of Space Belgrade, Association Independent Cultural Scene of Serbia - NKSS, Urban Nova Herceg Novi, OKC Herceg Novi, Mediteraneo Budva and Teserakt Tivat) had a chance to become acquainted with good practices and examples of the use and management of municipal / state-owned spaces by NGOs in Croatia. Below you can read the report on the study visit, while the pdf report with photographs can be viewed here.
Study visit to Zagreb and Split was organized on 4-6 November 2016 within the project City Spaces - Spaces for Citizens. During the visits to Zagreb and Split seven representatives of NGOs from Serbia and Montenegro had a chance to become acquainted with good practices and examples of the use and management of municipal / state-owned spaces by NGOs in Croatia.
Below you can read the text published on the SEEcult.org Portal about the workshop Public Spaces – The Spaces for Citizens that was held in Herceg Novi on 8 October 2016.
Organizacije nezavisne kulturne scene na crnogorskom primorju započele su udruživanje radi rešavanja zajedničkih problema, uključujući nedostatak prostora za rad, a tokom proteklog vikenda imale su priliku da u Herceg Novom razmene iskustva i od kolega iz Zagreba i Beograda saznaju više o izazovima koji ih mogu očekivati u dugoročnom procesu borbe za transparentnu dodelu neiskorišćenih državnih/opštinskih prostora.
We invite all interested and motivated NGO actors from the municipalities of Herceg Novi, Kotor, Tivat and Budva to apply to participate in the study visit PUBLIC SPACES-THE SPACES OF CITIZENS. The study visit to Zagreb and Split will be organized during the weekend of 4-6 November 2016. (Travel details will be sent subsequently).
In the Dom omladine Herceg Novi, 8.10.2016. there was a workshop named PUBLIC GOODS-SPACES of citizens. 20 participants of the workshop look into the challenges of using space in the municipal/State owned by the NGOs. The workshop was organised by the NGO Expeditio from Kotor, in collaboration with the associations: the operation the TOWN from Zagreb, Ministry of space from Belgrade, the Institute of space policy from Ljubljana, Urban Nova and OKC Herceg Novi from Herceg Novi, Agora from Budva, Napredak from Gornja Lastva and Naša akcija from Kotor.